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Heritage and culture

mosaique carolingienne de l'oratoire de Germigny-des-Prés

Imagine the tough life of a bargeman by vising the Musée de la Marine de Loire in Châteauneuf-sur-Loire,

Take the time to contemplate the Carolingian mosaic in the church at Germigny-des-Prés,

Admire the porch tower of Fleury Abbey in Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire,

Relive the trades and crafts of yesteryear at the Musée de l’Artisanat Rural Ancien in Tigy,

Learn more about the life of author Maurice Genevoix in Saint-Denis-de-l’Hôtel,

Discover the works of Oscar Roty, famous engraver of “La Semeuse” (Woman Sowing) in Jargeau…

Welcome to the LOIRE Valley & Orléans FOREST.

atelier du sabotier au musée de l'artisanat rural ancien de Tigy